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What Accounts For The Distinct Taste Profile Of Cold Brew Compared To Other Coffee Brewing Methods

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16:49 | 27/05/2024 | Đắk Lắk

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Unveiling the Insights from Recent Coffee Studies

In a groundbreaking release, the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) shared the findings from its Cold Brew Extraction research in November 2022.

The research highlighted four main sensory attributes that showed considerable variation with changes in brew temperature: bitterness, sourness, rubber-like flavor, and floral notes. Hot brewed coffee exhibited elevated levels of bitterness, sourness, and the rubber-like flavor, whereas cold brew was distinguished by a heightened floral quality.


The study further recognized that other sensory elements—such as fruity, woody, and smoky notes—were also significantly influenced by the temperature of brewing, and these effects varied depending on the coffee’s origin and roast profile.


Dr. Mackenzie Batali, equipped with a PhD in Food Science and Technology from UC Davis and serving as a Food Scientist at Minus Coffee, spearheaded the research team’s efforts. Dr. Batali walked me through the meticulous process of their study.

The study further recognized that other sensory elements—such as fruity, woody, and smoky notes—were also significantly influenced by the temperature of brewing, and these effects varied depending on the coffee’s origin and roast profile.

The research incorporated three diverse coffees, each representing distinct origins and processing techniques:

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