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How is specialty coffee evolving outside of more established markets

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15:13 | 22/05/2024 | Hà Nội

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Here is one way to rewrite the paragraph for improved flow and clarity Several key factors drive the growth of specialty coffee globally:

  • Expansion of chains like Starbucks introduces new coffees, brewing, and drinks.

  • Coffee professionals bringing knowledge back from abroad helps spread independent shops and interest.

  • Younger generations with disposable income increasingly spend on higher-quality items like specialty coffee. Gen Z alone has around $360 billion.

  • Health and sustainability matter more to consumers, spurring trends like plant milks and functional RTD coffees.

  • At-home brewing rose during Covid, as people sought to replicate café quality at home.

In summary, the reach of multinational chains, returning coffee enthusiasts, wealthier younger demographics, health/sustainability considerations, and at-home brewing have all fueled the global growth of specialty coffee. As these trends converge worldwide, specialty coffee gains appeal and accessibility as an affordable luxury aligned with consumer values and lifestyles.

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