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The Coffee Pod Life Cycle: Exploring the Environmental Impact

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16:31 | 08/05/2024 | Hà Nội

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K-Cups, crafted from a blend of plastic, aluminum, and paper, introduce materials foreign to the traditional coffee production cycle. These components undergo gathering, processing, and manufacturing to form the familiar single-serve pods.

Following production, coffee fills these plastic/aluminum capsules, which are then bundled into larger packaging before distribution on pallets to various outlets.

Well-intentioned consumers acquire these pods, each serving a single cup of coffee in a Keurig-compatible machine.

Post-usage, some pods may undergo disassembly, allowing for recycling or composting of individual elements. However, this process proves labor-intensive and compromises the convenience associated with pod brewing. Consequently, the majority of capsules find their way into landfills, highlighting the environmental challenges posed by coffee pod waste.

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